Wednesday, October 15, 2008

With Love & Respect

Reggae has lost one of it's children. Words cannot express our sorrow at this loss. Moese Angel grew up in our own Reggae family, working alongside his parents Akua and Vidal in their booth every year. Filming the festival for the Friday Night Video presentations in the early days, Moese moved on to perform on the Reggae on the River & Reggae Rising stages alongside his beautiful sister, Luna, and then onto doing his own solo performances. He was a bright shining star and will be deeply missed.

Please feel free to share your love and stories of this beautiful person here.


universal balance said...

Moese Angel was a dear friend to me and I will miss him greatly. We shared some great times together both personally and professionally. Moese lived a good life, it deeply saddens me to see it end short. His talents and skills were complimented by his positive upbeat personality. I will always remember his smiling face.

Anonymous said...

Moese Angel will always remain in my heart as a friend. It was good to know him and I am sadened to hear that his life ended short. I will never forget him picking me out of the crowd at every festival I have been at in the past few years, just to say hello. He will never be forgotten.

Ishi Dube said...


Anonymous said...

I am truley saddend by the loss of this young man. He had a lot to offer to people and to the World, he was always a positive brota when I would see him at the River. He will be missed.

Yishai ben Avraham

DJ Lady Sha said...

Moese... your presence lives on in every face and smile that knew you and your quiet warmth. We will keep Luna and the family strong here while you become Moese Guardian Angel above.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

moese angel will still be a great influence in people lives thought the music he left us with. ar prayers and thoughts ar with u and ur family in this sad time much love and respect

Anonymous said...

Moese was and is a shining star. A righteous youth, thoughtful, full of livity, love of people, and love of life. He will be missed by everyone who knew him. He keeps shining above and in our hearts. Much love to you Moese and family! Sasha B.

Anonymous said...

Our prayers for Moese Angel and his family !!!
although we will miss him dearly, now Moese is One with The Spirit Supreme
and so He is with us everywhere always !!!
Om Shanti !!!

Anonymous said... will remain in everyones heart that ever had the pleasure to know you.. u are beautiful inside and out..and i know you are still shining now and always... walk tall and towards the light, we will all see you again soon... onelove...tykeshia

Anonymous said...

a true peaceful warrior and talented man. I remember Moese tearing up the crowd at my Elephant Man show. Hos talent and enrgy always showed through. Bless up my friend ... I will see you one day in Zion ... deecee

Anonymous said...

I met Moese in 1998 at wavy gravy's pig-nic music festival in laytonville, ca...I'll never forget how I met Moese, Luna, Akua & Vidal...
Wavy Gravy was passing around the mic to anyone who wanted to say anything....and since I couldnt resist the opportunity I took the mic and started chanting a reggae lyrics for the one took much notice or showed much interest at this renowned folk music festival, in fact one shabby looking fellow asked me to "please be quiet" because he wanted to hear Julia Butterfly make a statement from up in the redwood tree....But come to find out I was wrong...there were 4 people coming up to me who were glad to hear a little spark of reggae vibrations, with one exuberant youth leading the way, big smile on his face, hand outstretched to greet me...that youth was Moese. Luna and Akua and Vidal were following up behind Moese, and It was just one of those unexpected moments where you end up meeting not only a great guy, but also his great family.
One, perfect luv to my bredda Moese...he's graduated to Zion!
Big big respect due to Luna , Akua & Vidal..what a tight knit positive family..all of you are in our thoughts and prayers.

guide up,

Binghi Ghost

Anonymous said...

mon little big kid, j'ai autant de peine de te voir partir que j'ai eu de joie à partager tous ces jours avec toi en famille.
Merci pour ta sollicitude , ton écoute et ta disponibilité envers les autres.
Je crois que tu étais le garçon le plus charismatique que je connaissais de ta génération. Je suis sûr que tu va veiller sur les tiens et que ton âme apprendra vite à planer sur tes collines aux heures propices à la méditation.
à bientot Moese

Joker said...

Moese Angel was one of the most positive, bright, and shining stars that I've encountered. Growing up with him at Camp Winnarainbow, he had the incredible ability to always bring a smile to my face, to make me laugh and see the brightness that is life. He was incredible in so many ways - his music, his art, his ability to work with children. It breaks my heart that he was taken from us so suddenly and so young. But he lives on in us forever.
To the Angel family - know that we are all here for you, and that you are in my thoughts and prayers daily.
You were a true friend, Moese, to me and countless others. That will never change.

Anonymous said...

Moese was a friend from school, we rode the same bus everyday for years. we were not the closest of friends, but friends just the same. He was a beautiful person who never said anything mean or cruel. He would smile everytime I saw him and he meant it. Even if you were not lucky enough to be in his intimate circle, he was still a positive light that radiated to everyone around him. He will be very much missed. I send my love to his wonderful beautiful family.

Anonymous said...

Dear Akua, Vidal & Luna -
You and Moese have been in my thoughts constantly and I am sending you light and love from LA. Luna, if you need anything down here - anything at all - please call me. Moese was a beautiful light of positivity and love and I always picture him as a twelve year old unicycle enthusiast. Much love and goodness sent from my entire family. Love Thessaly

Anonymous said...

Moese, always a smile pon ya face bredren. I remember many years ago at ROTR whe I first met Moese on the moonlit Bob Marley Blvd one night, he was grinning ear to ear. Every time I saw him after that, either while chatting, or from a distance....that trademark smile. He was always positive and spoke nothing but good words to me.

Take care on your blessed journey to Zion. bless

Anonymous said...

Sending all my LOVE to you and your family though this tough time. Stay in the light Guidance

Anonymous said...

I am so saddened by your loss, our loss within the reggae family. My thoughts and prayers go out to Luna and her family at this time of sadness.

Jordan R said...

My thoughts go out to the Angel family and to everyone who knew this shining star. Blessings to you all.

Anonymous said...

I met Moese through his beautiful empress, Ella. I watched with joy as their love developed over the years. The thing about Moese was that he was loved by so many. He was a genuine, honest, compassionate spirit and what I loved most about him was that he always remained humble.I am devastated that such an amazing spirit was taken from us. While it feels unjust and cruel to lose such a beautiful, young, talented individual, i have to take comfort that the almighty is looking over our prince. Moese, I will never forget you and I am sending all my thoughts and prayers to my dear friend Ella and your beautiful family. Jah Love and Guidance

girl said...

Cher famille Angel, Que je suis blesser d'entendre cette nouvelle. Ce n'est pas juste pour vous trois. Toute mes meilleure penses a vous. Il a ete si beaux ton fils.

Anonymous said...

Moese Angel never failed to bring a smile to my face. I met him and worked with him at Camp Winnarainbow. He was SO funny!! We spent many hours talking in strange accents and saying the most bizarre things. I would beat box and He would rap. I have the best memories of him. He was such a talented guy in so many ways and I am so sad I will not get to see him again. My thoughts are with his family right now (who are also amazing and have talent pouring out of there ears). I am down here in LA with Joker and Thes and we are all sending our love to you. The world will not be the same with Moese. I will miss him for the rest of my life.

Anonymous said...

The Angel Family has and still is just that..Angels Guiding those who know them to overstand what family truly is.I first met Moese at Sierra Nevada alongside his father Vidal and the two of them set precedence for Father and Son relationships in our community.The Angel Family continues to inspire me and there are no words to lift the weight of such a sorrowful loss. I have tried to reverse the time, the actions and the reality with my mind to no avail. There is no power that can change our loss of Moese but I do pray for a fluid transition blessed with Love, courage, strength and Light. The blessing is Moese and he will continue to touch our hearts on earth and in Zion.The Angel Family.. Akua, Vidal and Luna I send to you my empathy and Love. Kira

Anonymous said...

Sending thoughts and love to the Angel Family. Moese is already missed, but his spirit will be with us always. See you on the other side, bro.


Anonymous said...

Thank you Moese for being in my life, from the days at Camp Winarainbow, and in now in my heart forever. Much love and prayers to the Angel family in your time of great loss.

Anonymous said...

My connection to the Angel family through Camp Winnarainbow has expanded into a friendship over the years that is very dear to me and cherished. You Angels are extended family. Moese was always playful, warm, loving and full of light, much like a saint. I am shocked, saddened and mournful of this loss. Luna, Akua and Vidal I send my blessings and prayers to you. Stay strong. Your son, our brother is eternally young, and loved forever. He's lived up to his name. May peace be with you.

Anonymous said...

Moese, it was so good to meet you and get to hear you sing on my birthday with your sister in Arcada. Every time we met, you looked me in the eye and acknowledged the spirit we shared. You will be missed, as you have left us too young, but you have left us with a wonderful memory of a great spirit and man.
Many blessings and Jah guide us

Christy Watson said...

Thank you for your luminesent spirit that touched us all when ever you were near. Gracious, charmimg, thankful, poised, talented, smart,...You are greatly loved & missed. SHINE!! on my friend until we meet again. Blessings & LOVE!

Anonymous said...

I heard about Moese well before we met. "Moese is sooooo cute," one of our girls would say. "And soooo nice,too," would come the refrain. As their mother, I wondered who this golden boy might be. My girls tended towards pickey when it came to boys. Very few evoked the sparkle and shine I witnessed whenever this particular young man's name was mentioned. Today our family is in mourning for his loss.Words fail. We can only send our deepest condolences and abiding love.

Anonymous said...

My love and deep compassion goes to the entire Angel family. May you all be guided with grace and strength during your time of grief. May his light guide you towards healing and may his soul pass safely with immense dignity.

I thank all of you for the work and love you put towards the CWR family, may that increase ten fold to you.

Anonymous said...

Dear Vidal, and Luna , and familly,
all the hilight tribe present you his condoleances.
we all miss Moese , our light brother !
we all keep in our heart all the good times spent together , and we'll never forget.
Om Shanti brother
all our love and support to vidal and luna

Anonymous said...

For the last 20 years I have been blessed to know Moese, Luna, Akua and Vidal. Inspirational for so many reasons, they always defined what it means to be a family. No one will soon forget this amazingly talented and brilliant man; he will live on in the soul of everyone who ever heard him laugh.

Anonymous said...

Akua, Vidal, and Luna,

Please know that our thoughts, hearts, and prayers are with you during this time. We will also be here for the years to come in remembering your beautiful son and brother. I am sending white light with all of my thoughts and prayers to surround you.

In respect and love,

Yatiel, Micah, Simone, Dylan, and Justin

Anonymous said...



(from Wavy)

Lady J said...

My heart and prayers go out to the entire Angel family. I vividly remember just reasoning with Moese at the SNWMF in June. Truly an unfortunate loss to the music community.
Lady J

Anonymous said...

I am so sad to hear about Moese. I am sorry to do this by email. but I have no other way to reach you.. I cannot even begin to grasp the sadness on my heart, my prayers and my intentions go to you, Acua, Luna, Vidal your granmas and granpas aunties uncles and all the people who got to be around his happy ways,and all the family who knew him and watched him grow into such a beuatiful young man.....I am so sorry and sad at the loss......if there is anything I can do please ask. I will sing the lakota funeral song in the morning....agian I am speechless and hold you in my prayers.
Robert Owens Greygrass


lift your head and look to the spirit in the sky . we will miss and remember you always . if god is willing we will meet again in his hands . wait for us as you look down from above . we pray for you and hope you will pray for us as we wander this planet that is diminished by your moving to the next world . . . . .

GuilB said...

It is so sad . I met him in Israel and he was so vital , so full of positive vibes.Just sharing life and singing and opening his heart .My love to you Angel family .

Anonymous said...

He gave the best hugs and had the brightest smile, there was always comfort in his arms and in his eyes,
Roseanna again

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

words cannot express.... many many thoughts and blessings going out to Moese's loved ones..... rest in peace

Unknown said...

My love and condolences to Luna, Akua , Vidal, the extended L-ville fam, and all others whose lives that Moese touched in some way.

Anonymous said...

My deepest an most humble offerings of love an thanks to the Angel family....the few times I got to share with Moese in passing at shows an festivals always had him shining his light an majestic beauty with many! I give thanks my life has been touched by this Angel and I send many prayers for a smooth journey to zion.....we all know an trust you are truly a king at rest in holy mt. zion.....even though I cry for the loss...I will overcome the grief an keep you in my heart full of love in remembrance of what you've shared with so heart goes out to all affected by this transformation of body spirit...Jah Truly Bless Moese Angel.....Oneness

Anonymous said...

You will be missed in the hearts of many--and forever alive in the memories you created. My heart goes out to your family for their loss of a great son, brother, and friend. Moese was always there to smile, shake a hand, and share his enthusiasim for being here and now. I would have loved to share the stage and spend more time around Moese....--but I know Moese was rich in an extraordinary wealth of friends and family....and perhaps there is no greater peace than to have lived a life so full of love.
To Luna, Vidal, Akuna, and all the family of Angels--my deepest condolences. Always with love, --Brody

Anonymous said...

Saturday, October 25, 2008 at 2pm.

We will gather at the Moese Angel Healing Arts Center
that Moese recently built on the Angel Ranch north of Laytonville, California.

It's a potluck, please bring food, pictures and anything else you want to share.
Parking will be limited; carpooling is highly recommended.
If you would like to stay over bring camping gear and warm blankets.

From San Francisco: take 101 North to 160 miles to Laytonville, CA. Drive 10.5 miles past town
to Bell Springs Road, exit on the right. Please drive slowly up Bell Springs Road and follow the markers,
continuing 4.5 miles to a green gate with a tomato sign, turn left.
The Moese Angel Healing Arts Center is at the first driveway to the left.

Anonymous said...

We were shocked and sad to hear of MOESE'S passing. Such a bright and beautiful light. Such talent and heart. That big beaming smile! - all will be missed.

Much Love & Respect
to the Angel Family,

Candace & Camille

Anonymous said...

TO Vidal, Akua and Luna,
I am in shock, my heart is broken, I can not stop the tears from coming.
Even tho I did not know Moese all that well, I knew your family and was always
encouraged and hopefull that such fine people could actually walk this earth..
I have always admired the way you raised your family. I am so sorry,
I would be there if I could, instead I will be there in
spirit. Words fail me....

I wish you healing
All my love

Anonymous said...

Fly high & free

Respect and Love

Patrick said...

Spread you wings to the infinite beautiful man I love you ton pote Patrick

Unknown said...

Moese was not a dear friend to me, but i have known him and his family a long time ...... my love and respect goes out to them for sharing this beautiful person with us.....i remember playing basketball with him sharing microphones or just hanging out shootong the shit was always a great pleasure and i will miss u brotha....he was a very humble person for his massive talents and abilitys.. he is a force of positivity we will all have to try an fill.....
...keep ya head up fam....
1 love

Anonymous said...

Although I only know this lovely Angel family from a distance, I was so saddened to hear of your loss. In the larger family that we are all a part of it ripples and pains us all. Blessed love and healing to your family for now and forever.

Ariel Luckey said...

Love and light to Moese as he joins the ancestors, and so much love for his family and friends. Luna, Akua, Vidal, I am so sorry. Moese was a light in this world and he will be missed and remembered. Ariel aka Reno

Anonymous said...

To my dearest Luna and the Angel family, my thoughts and heart are with you in this time of deep sorrow.
Although I only crossed paths with Moese Angel once, his strong and beautiful presence will be imprinted in my mind forever.
May He Shine Eternally.

Anonymous said...

Although I didn'd know Moese that well personally, we all grew up in the same great community. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family and family of close friends. Much love and respect to everyone~

Anonymous said...

Dear Akua, Vidal and Luna,
I am deeply saddened to hear about the loss of Moese. My thoughts, love and prayers are with you.

I was blessed enough to meet him many years ago at Mrs Kerr's home, when you all came to London - and Mary, Pokuaa and I came to visit you.
I continue to pray daily for you all.
Sending you Love and healing energy...

Joyce Osei.

ruth.bosco said...

Well, I never had connected much with Moese until this summer, when I ran into him at Reggae on the River (in Benbow), though I had always crushed on him, seeing him at festivals lookin' all fly and bright-eyed. This summer we had a nice talk about common experiences of India and I started to see him as a deeper person, one who was connected into a very interesting web of people, places, ideas, and music.
I don't think I'll ever forget the last time I saw him, which seems soooooo silly now... It was at the last Anthony B show in Benbow... I was sober and he was drunk off of some wine, and though we hadn't seen each other in a few months, we greeted each other with big smiles and while we talked, I realized that his hand had found its way to my butt! He was sqeezing it while we began to have a fake-serious exchange about the squishiness factor of behinds, but I didn't stop him! I just started squeezing his but, which I told him honestly, was "aight" and kind of squishy too... When he became too forward, I ran off to mingle, and didn't see him again until later, while talking to a friend, I felt a familiar hand on my rear and turned to see him standing so far away it seemed! Due to his long arms, he was able to hold a conversation WHILE squeezing a butt halfway across the room! Now I GOTTA give props for that.
After learning that the young man in the crash a few days back was Moese, I immediately thought about the shock to the family! What a loss, what grief! Then I prayed that Angels of light and love surrounded him in light and led him to where he needed to go!
I see him smiling down, and if you feel a little squeeze back there... maybe it's him! I think he wouldn't mind being remembered in times of silly exhilaration!
My prayers are with the family for understanding, clear sight, and transformation through the experience of death.
Hari OM Ganesha OM! ruth

Anonymous said...

I am writing this to extend my deepest sympathies to Luna and her family. I was so very sad to hear about this. Even though I am in Miami, please let me know whether there is anything I can do to help you and the family through this difficult time. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. I will light a candle for him tonight... Dennis.

Anonymous said...

I have wonderful memories of Moese that I will never forget, he was always so positive and kind hearted. Your family is in my thoughts and prayers.

Anonymous said...

Oh, dearest Akua, Vidal and Luna,

My deepest sympathies for your unimaginable loss. I am unable to be there on Saturday as I am still grieving the loss of my little brother, only 41 himself, who passed on Oct 10th.

I am there in spirit.

Your son and brother has the purest energy I ever met in the reggae world. He never spoke to me but in positiveness, he never spoke without respect, he initiated every contact I had with him with a smile. He is one of our shining children and will always remain so.

We are nothing but energy, so he remains with all of us who were lucky enough to share some time with him. He is a reflection of the love that exists within the Angel family.

I thought I had no more tears, but news of Moese's passing (in the hospice work I do I call it graduating) showed how deep the well of our emotions can be.

I am honored to know all of you.


Doug Green

Anonymous said...

Moese will remain in our hearts,his beautiful smiling spirit will grace our memories as his presence graced our lives. I am saddened for the Angel family, and Moese's many dear friends, though I hope, through the pain of loss and the embrace of the community and loved ones that his greater destiny shall be revealed. Love and Peace to you all.

Anonymous said...

I want to add that my expression of feelings came from both Charity and myself.
We are wandering in grief, searching for meaning and praying for a vision of clarity.

Doug and Charity Green

Unknown said...

I enjoyed working with Moese. he was always friendly, open, and funny. on stage, a force that could not be denied. his talent and shining spirit will be missed: and continue to be loved and cherished. Love and Light to Akua, Vidal, and Luna.

many blessings to you always,


Anonymous said...

He'll "never be too far, checking out the scene, kicking it with kings and queens." Rasta.

Hey folks, an amazing gathering we had on saturday, all of us have been so blessed to be part of the circle in Mo's life. I am very much in awe of how everything came together. Keep Mo in our hearts and strive to be like he was. The magic doesn't end, his mission is our mission too. So bless everyone and bless the heavens for having sent one of their own for the time we had with him. Keep spreading love. One love. MO Love.

I have posted pictures from the memorial here:

Unknown said...

We love you soooo much Angel family,you are and always will be an inspiration to our community,and to anyone who has had the good fortune to meet you.You are in my thoughts and prayers.Keep shining like the stars that you are.

joshua bee alafia said...

i want to speak on behalf of the Brooklyn Renaissance in sending warm heartical irations to the family and friends of Moese Angel. May we celebrate his word sound power itinually!

Unknown said...

I met Moese through basketball in 1992. Moese was a very promising basketball player in high school. But through the power of Jah he retired the jersey and went on to make beautiful music. I moved out of the area and 10 years passed by before I crossed paths with Moese again. Then all of a sudden I was blessed to see Moese preform at the Monterey Reggae Fest a couple of years back. I was so happy for him and his sister. To see them on stage taking command and doing thier thing. At that same time I was saying to myself with pride "I KNOW THEM". It was a memory that I will never forget.

Unknown said...

May God and Jah Bless Moese on into the Universe. Best friends as kids, I have always loved him like a brother. My family and I have always felt very close to the Angel Family. I got the privlage of growing up around the Angel Family. As well, many of the CWR family. I care very deeply about my relationship with you all. I have been blazing a very special candle for over 24 hours now, and said many prayers and wept many tears.
I'm sorry I couldn't make the Tribute. I just got the news Fri. and had to chef-run a wedding Sat. May I please express my genuine heart felt condolences to you all. May Moese's spirit be blessed into the heaven's and his throne awaits. 'Praises to the KING MOESE'~Peace, Love & Harmony~Many Blessings~PW

maria said...

Me encantaba su forma de hacer el reggae, era fenomenal. Estuve en Milán en un concierto de reggae y les hablé de él sin saber que hacía solo dos días que había fallecido. Me habría gustado mucho verle en España y eso ya no va a ser posible. Que descanse su espíritu con todo el amor y respeto que le deseamos.


Anonymous said...

Moese, my cool older cousin. You will always be remembered and are deeply missed but I know we will see each other again one day.

Love Cagney

Anonymous said...

Just sending love and cheer in remembrance of Moese Angel this New Year 2009! Be with us brotha while we elevate our community, family and selves. Eternal Blessings.

Anonymous said...

Nothing but love and respect from the Laytonville posse. Bless your life and peace on your journey to our fathers house. Such a bright light and such a pleasant and kind soul. Never stop smiling...
Earth's lost is heavens gain.

Unknown said...

"Coulda Neva Be Too Far Checkin Out Tha Scean, Kickin It with Kings An Queens, Rasta We Cant Par With Our Pure In Hearts An Are Hands, Hands That Are Clean"

" We Callin All Conqueror , I&I A King, Yes We A Warrior, Guidence An Protection For All Jah Conqueror, We Are King, Yes We A Warrior, Guidence An Protection,Guidence An Protection"

Bless Up!!! Much Love An Raspect!! You Will Live On Through Your Music An Our Hearts!!! I Did't Know You That Well, But What Little Time I Did Spend With You Was Always Great!! I Will Neva Forget You!! Bless Up Moese!!! Till We Meet Again Stay Bastie An Keep It Irie!!!

Unknown said...

Our Moese
You are so missed.
Know that you are loved by so many.
We give thanks for the short time you blessed us with your presence.
May you rest in peace & power & know that we hold you forever in our hearts.
Your message of love/ harmony/joy of life we'll all cary forever in remembrance of the way you lived your life.
Your powerful music & words will be listened to & heard & will live on forever.
Yes dear son/friend/brother you'll stay forever young in our hearts & memories.
I know you are looking upon us & preparing a place for us, & in return we patiently wait till we can be with you again.
We send you love, light & guidance on your journey.
Mom, Dad & Luna.

Anonymous said...

I first met Vidal in Ethiopia during the historical 60th birthday celebration to Bob Marley.The next time we met was in Israel.
Moese was there with him .It was the first time I met Moese and I just enjoyed the very positive vibe that makes you feel the man like if you know him from long time.
In my small Reggae hut in my yard, Moese gave us some accapella and some lyrics, and again it was happening this miracle of Reggae music when everyt’ing is everyt’ing and Reggae music unite us all…
The same night the leading Reggae band at this time in Israel , Kengaru was performing at a nice outdoor spot . We went there and naturally Moese was invited to perform with them on stage and his delivery just light up the place .

Every day is war and every day is sorrow on this planet. So we just stand strong full of love and hope for a better overstanding between people.
Moese was one of the many beautiful humans that carry the inspired vibe to make you feel allright.
Shalom , Salaam